Team Scallop/Dead or Alive
Team Scallop: Dead or Alive is the fourth season of the new Team Scallop. The cast consists of Ethan,, Cuub, Andrew7s, Shizam, Mikey, Pupzel, Yives, Whisk, Jacket, and JR. With the goal of this season to defeat the Village Raid, Wither, and Void Worm. However, with every goal that is achieved, the overall difficulty increases.
Episodes[edit | edit source]
# | Episode Name | Release Date | Link |
T | NEW YEAR | Dec 30, 2023 | [T] |
1 | A "WORM" WELCOME | Jan 1, 2024 | [1] |
2 | DUNGEONS OF DOOM | Jan 4, 2024 | [2] |
3 | YIVES ODYSSEY | Jan 7, 2024 | [3] |
4 | FOOD BATTLE 2024 | Jan 10, 2024 | [4] |
5 | THIS IS BAD | Jan 14, 2024 | [5] |
6 | THE KING OF GMAIL'S CASTLE | Jan 17, 2024 | [6] |
7 | TO THE FARLANDS | Jan 21, 2024 | [7] |
8 | BUGS AND BASTIONS | Jan 24, 2024 | [8] |
9 | DEAD IN THE WATER | Jan 28, 2024 | [9] |
10 | STRONGHOLDING OUT | Jan 31, 2024 | [10] |
11 | WILD BLUE YONDER | Feb 4, 2024 | [11] |
Deaths[edit | edit source]
Name | Character | Username | Episode of Death | Cause of Death | Last Words |
Andrew | Toad (Super Mario) | StampyLongNoseDN | 2 | After breaking his axe, got jumped by four different zombies, including an Infernal Zombie which both set him on fire and caused him to bleed. He eventually bled to death once getting down to half a heart. | "Oh please, please, please! Oh it's over for me! NO, PLEASE, NOHOHO-AAAHO!!" |
Yives | Child ("Yives Odyssey") | okayives | 4 | Encountered an Infernal Spider which subsequently poisoned, and set him on fire. Finished off by being splashed with a harming potion. | "Oh shit!... Guys guys guys guys guys I think I'm dead! NOHO!!" |
Mikey | Ian Hecox (Smosh) | mikey_swag | 5 | Was hit from behind and backed into a corner by a Vindicator and whilst trying to escape, it disabled his shield and killed him. | "I'm dead! I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead!" |
Ethan, | Kenny McCormick (South Park) | EthanComma | 5 | Was two-shot down to half a heart by an Enderman, and whilst shielding it from attacking him further, Pupzel accidentally knocks an ignited Creeper towards him from a different angle, blowing him up. | "Oh, help help, help! Hey!.. O- Nooo.." |
Pupzel | Cake (Adventure Time) | Pupzel | 7 | Got one-shot at full health by a Phantom ridden by a buffed Wither Skeleton. | "I'm trying to shoot the Phantom right now.." |
Whisk | Rango (Rango) | Whiskington | 9 | A Charged Creeper aggravated onto him, and as it drew close, Whisk encountered intense lag, leaving him helpless as he blew up. | "True damage as opposed to fake damage?.. I'm lagging!" |
Shizam | SpongeTom (SpongeBob SquarePants) | TheKingofGmail | 9 | Got targeted by an Infernal Skeleton on top of the roof of their house and subsequently shot off. Then tossed around by said Skeleton several times, until eventually getting sniped by it when trying to back away. | "Please.. Please don't let me die.." |
Jacket | Skips (Regular Show) | Jakket | 9 | Shot an Infernal Tank Skeleton that immediately sped towards him, and attacked him, poisoning and setting him on fire. He then gets attacked by the Tank a second time, and then attacked a third time. | "I'm gonna die, it's it's it's.. Fuck." |
Cuub | Kris (Deltarune) | Cuubster | 11 | After the Void Worm got split into two, both parts rammed into them in quick succession. | "I am cooked! I am cooked, that's it!" |
JR | Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones) | ImJustJR | *11 | Satisfied in his journey, lept into the void to now be at peace.. until the server kicked him for flying lmao. | "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!.. [laughs] I got kicked for flying." |
*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.