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|image1 = SunkenLibrary.png
|game = MineZ
|appearences = 13
|win:loss_ratio = 0:1:2 (033%)
|kills = 517
|survivors = 14
[ Sunken Library] is a MineZ dungeon.
==Kill Count==
* [[IciCole]], [[Child]], [[RoseRinggg|Rose]], [[Emma]], [[Jack Xiao Long|Jack]] ([[MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (CragCore)|MineZ CragCore]])
*[[Meta]], [[Fynnez]], [[Ajoosh]], [[EpicTepig120|Tepig]], [[Scruffy]], [[X3no|Xeno]], [[Jack Xiao Long|Jack]], [[Zakk]] ([[Jack's Blind MineZ Hardcores]])
* [[IciCole]], [[Child]], [[RoseRinggg|Rose]], [[Emma]], [[Jack Xiao Long|Jack]] ([[MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (CragCore)|MineZ CragCore]])
*[[Ketchuplover|Ketchup]], [[Kashino55|Kashino]]*, [[Nienna]]*, [[Hammy]]* ([[MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (Hedral HC)|Hedral HC MineZ]])
* [[Bigga]] (MineZ CragCore)
*[[Amber]], Eraquai, [[OrcaHedron|Orca]] ([[MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (Hedral HC)|Hedral HC MineZ]])
==Completing Sunken Library==
*To enter the dungeon you must jump down into the water on the Southwest corner.
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*Finally follow the cave down to the cobblestone room and turn right. Continue straight till you see the stairs.
===='''Iron Door Room ===='''
*To the left of the iron door behind the iron bars, push the stone button hidden above. This will open a piston on the right side.
*Place items in that newly open window until the iron door opens (make sure to place non-stacking items as stacking items will count as the same item)
* Once the door opens two pigmen will spawn so make sure to leave enough space between you and the door!
===='''The Maze ===='''
*Your first goal is to get to X -3098 Z -3560.
*Starting from the second row of water go right to the end of the hallway and take a left. Take your first right then your first left. Go all the way down the hall and take the only right possible and at the T intersection go left. Again, take the only left possible and at this point you should find yourself in a small room.
==== '''Small Room===='''
*At the left of the room there are two stairs encasing a redstone torch. Throw an item on the wooden pressure plate and this should open up a button on the ceiling that you need to shoot.
*The wall of the room will open up revealing some stairs to a new room.
===='''Button Plate Room===='''
*As the name suggests, this room requires you to step on plates, and shoot buttons.
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*Pushing the button next to the iron door will close and reset the Button Plate Room.
===='''The Crossroads===='''
*This is where the team must split up. Waiting in this room will be called side A and stepping on the pressure plate and moving into the next room will be called side B. Side B is much harder than side A.
==='''<u>Side B</u>==='''
==== Staircase / Bookcase Room====
==== '''Staircase / Bookcase Room===='''
* Have all but 1 person do this side to increase chances of success (ultimately though you can decide how many people do what side)
* Have all but 1 person do this side to increase chances of success (ultimately though you can decide how many people do what side)
*Walk down the room and go to the furthest bookshelf on the left and have all but 1 person jump up into the little crevice on the wall.
*On the opposite side where the players are next to the wall 1 player needs to push a button that is second closest to the door and on the opposite side of the room where the players are. Then they can rejoin their team. Everyone should be holding W moving in the direction of the wall.
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**Pressing the wrong button will spawn zombies in each hole in the wall.
* Take a left and walk all the way down the hall and place an item on both wooden pressure plates.
*The one on the left will open a door for team A to move through and the one on the right will allow team B to exit back into the maze.
*This is the last time you will see team A so be sure to trade anything you need.
* Proceed back the way you came and back out into the maze.
==== '''The Maze===='''
*Go straight out from the exit and hang a right. Go left (the only way you can) all the way to the T intersection. Take another right and immediately go left and you should see an iron door.
*There are two plates behind holes in the bookcases in this room: one to the immediate left and one in the back right corner. Have one person go into the room and throw an item onto both of the plates.
**These plates will hold open a ladder team A needs to climb up to continue.
* If you go in solo there is a button high above the door which you can shoot to open the iron door again. If you have a team member they can stand at the door to let you out.
* The plates on the floor will summon damage potions so be careful not to step on them!
*Once team A has moved forward, turn around, take the first right and then the next right to find yourself back in the main room.
===='''The Maze Part 2===='''
* So by now team A is in a safe position and it's all up to team B.
* Start heading in the opposite direction of the iron door where you entered the maze. Your goal is to make it to X -3010 Z -3590.
*Take the first left and then the first right. Walk all the way down the hallway and at the T go left. Go left again and you should be in a small room.
*Continue out the room, go left, and left again then immediately go right. The first right should have another room.
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*Climb down the ladders and begin the next puzzle.
===='''Pillar Maze===='''
*In this puzzle you have to find all three wooden pressure plates and put items on them to open up the door.
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*Be careful of the zombies, there are a lot of them that spawn while navigating the pillars!
*Walk up the staircase. At the top of the stairs there is a wooden button above an iron bar door.
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**The best strategy here is to have one person press the button while everyone sneaks and holds forward against the door, sneaking into the room to not attract the pigmen/baby zombies, and letting the door close.
===='''Pressure Plate Hallway ===='''
* Try your best to avoid hitting any of the pressure plates in this hallway. Stepping on one will inflict you with either slowness or instant damage.
**You will have to jump over some plates to avoid them. Be sure to pay attention to the ceiling so that you do not hit your head on a block.
* After tiptoeing through the room you'll find a gold pressure plate. Place an item on that plate and this will let team A through. Then once team A has stepped on their plate meet up with them in the Quartz room.
==='''<u>Side A</u>==='''
===='''Staircase / Hallway ===='''
===<u>Side A</u>===
====Staircase / Hallway ====
*So you've chosen the easy side. Good work, there isn't much more for you to do other than not die of dehydration. Make sure you have at least 2 water bottles especially if this is the first time your team is attempting the hard side.
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*Walk up the stairs and continue down the hall till you find the iron bars.
===='''Iron Bar Room ===='''
*This room is pretty straight forward.
*The plates that Team A puts items on will open up a ladder for you to climb and proceed to another hallway.
===='''Hallway / Waiting Room===='''
*Follow that hallway till you find a stone pressure plate. Walk through the door and wait in that room.
*After some time, team B will put an item on a wooden pressure plate on top of a gold block and some pistons will retract to open a door for you. Walk into the Quartz room and stand on the stone pressure plate to let team B through to meet up with you again.
===='''Exiting the Quartz Room ===='''
*Now that you're back together go quickly because you're standing above the loot room spawning zombies.
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*You will be in a room with some books and a small pond. Find the button that opens the door back to the main library.
===='''Main Library (again) ===='''
* Find the main room again and use the iron door as a reference.
*Go the same way you went into the library the very first time when you were all together as a group but this time take the second right. When you see the redstone turn right again then the first right after that. You'll see a room with a table
**Be sure to navigate here quickly, as there are pigmen spawners close by.
===='''Table room ===='''
* Under the table there is a pressure plate. Either shoot it or put an item on that which will open up a hidden doorway in the wall close to where you entered.
* Follow the stairs till you see some iron bars in a square shape and go into the small room of books to the left.
*Inside that room there is a wooden button you can either shoot or press which temporarily opens a wall to continue.
===='''Second Floor ===='''
* You've made it to the second floor which is where the loot room is!
*From here the door should be open because your friend is still in the room with the quartz.
*Be sure to kill the zombies that will have spawned in the loot room.
==== '''Loot Room ===='''
*There are zombie spawners in the room, so be aware while claiming your loot.
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*The person who stayed in the quartz room can meet up with the group the same way everyone else got to the main room.
=== '''<u>Exit===</u>'''
*Get to the second floor and then there is a stone button which you can find that opens a hidden door.
* This will open a tunnel which you can walk through and drop you back to the iron door at the beginning which spawned the pigmen.
*You can then reverse through the water the same way you entered.