ROBLOX Final Stand Season 1

ROBLOX Final Stand Season 1 was supposed to be the first season of Septic Hardcore. The cast consisted of Neonseptawad, HPorcupine, Dwarfcluster, Kashino55 and Yosbums. It was scrapped a month after episode 1 released.

Episodes edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
T Trailer Jan 2nd, 2021 [[T]]
1 It Came Early Jan 2nd, 2021 [[1]]

Deaths edit

Player Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Neon TweekFan777 TBA TBA TBA
Porcupine Himiada TBA TBA TBA
Dwarfcluster RambowShep TBA TBA TBA
Kashino55 NoahVankoughnett TBA TBA TBA
Yosbums Yosbums TBA TBA TBA