Pokémon Mystery Universe Hardcore Season 2 (Uproar Hardcore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Pokemon Mystery Universe #2 is the tenth official season of Uproar Hardcore. This time, the team doubled in size, featuring 4 new guest stars: Katie, Silya, Plasma, and Auraan. Like season 1, there are 2 teams, each with their own goal to accomplish by the end of the season.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
~ PMU Hardcore Season 2 Trailer Oct 18, 2017 [0]
1 New Stars Nov 6, 2017 [1]
2 Full Confidence, Empty Stomachs Nov 8, 2017 [2]
3 Speedrun! Nov 10, 2017 [3]
4 Returning to the Roots Nov 13, 2017 [4]
5 Stop by the Shop Nov 15, 2017 [5]
6 Bad Memories Nov 17, 2017 [6]
7 We Are Prepared! Nov 20, 2017 [7]
8 Escaping North Nov 22, 2017 [8]
9 Surprise Enemies Nov 24, 2017 [9]
10 FINALE! Nov 29, 2017 [10]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Silya [N] Chimchar SilyaBeeodess 7 Magnemite's Sonic Boom "I fainted, I'm ... Dead."
Butler [E] Rhyhorn The Butler 7 Oddish's Absorb "I died?!"
Hunter [N] Mudkip Hunter Of Evil 8 Unknown "No, I died"
Plasma [N] Bulbasaur endoplasma 8 Knocked out by a Furret. N/A
Katie [E] Cyndaquil Katieluv2sing18 10 Zubat's Wing Attack "Nooooooh!"
Trax [E] Totodile Traxstar 10 Cornered and killed by a Maukhita, Grimer, and two Zubats immediately after moving to a new floor. "I can't move! I can't move! I can't move! I can't move! AOH!"
Auraan [E] Meditite Auraan 10 Cornered and killed by a Maukhita, Grimer, and two Zubats immediately after moving to a new floor. "Agh, we both dieed!"
Fireally [N] Shinx Fireally_ N/A Survived. N/A

[N] = Team North [E] = Team East

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is the first Uproar Hardcore with a composed intro theme.
  • This is the first Uproar Hardcore to have an equal ratio of male to female.
  • Fireally went from being the only one to die in a season, to being the only survivor.