Minecraft Hardcore Season 1 (Smashcore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Season 1 is the first official season of Smashcore. The cast consists of Smash, Ben, Poke, Indago and Lonk.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 w/ BlahBlahBen, Indigo, Poke, and Lonk. Dec 19, 2017 [1]
2 Sleeping problems Dec 21, 2017 [2]
3 Mining away. Dec 23, 2017 [3]
4 The desert temple Dec 30, 2017 [4]
5 Meeting up Jan 2, 2018 [5]
6 Welcome to Hell Dec 23, 2017 [6]
7 Lets get outta here. Dec 23, 2017 [7]
8 Sugar cane goldmine! Jan 7, 2018 [8]
9 Running home Jan 9, 2018 [9]
10 FINALE!! Dec 23, 2017 [10]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Cause of Death Episode of Death Last Words
Lonk LonkGaming Shot by a skeleton. 3 "Oh my god. Oh god oh god oh god oh god...NO!"
Ben blahblahben Surrounded by blazes and cornered by a wither skeleton. 6 "Game over."
Indago AwesomeMoore2004 Shot into lava by blazes. 7 "No!"
Poke ThatOnePokeFan Hit into magic by an enderman. 10 "No!"
Smash thesmashkid12 Got stuck in magic on a pillar and jumped off, dying from fall damage. 10 "No!"