Minecraft Nether Edition Hardcore Season 1 (Onwcore)

Minecraft Hardcore Nether Edition is a hardcore hosted by Owen and is the first season of Onwcore. The cast consists of Owen, Quinten, Jayvis, Prason, Caden, Blue, and Ruby.

Name Episode Cause of Death Last Words
Prason 1 Accidentally hit a Zombified Piglin and was left unassisted causing them to convert them into minced meat. “Help!”
Jayvis 2 Tried killing a Hoglin from above but got knocked off the platform by the Hoglin’s attack and died of fall damage. “No!”
Quinten 4 Was distracted by a Strider spinning in lava and was unable to evade a Hoglin attacking from behind, dying in one hit. “We gotta get some, uh, stuff. Get some stuff.”
Caden 4 Ended up trapped on a bridge by the same Hoglin that killed Quinten seconds ago. They made the same mistake as Jayvis and tried to attack the Hoglin from above. With only a 2 block height difference Caden got struck and also died in one hit. “OH, BEHIND YOU! NO NO NO!”
Blue 4 Hopped backwards off of a nether block tree at one heart and suffered the consequences of losing all of their health. “Oh fuck!”
Owen 6 Got sniped by a blaze across the fortress and died to a single fireball. “Oh my god!”
Ruby 6 Got sniped by the same blaze and caught on fire. They were unable to drink a fire resistance potion quickly enough and burned to death. “I died.”