Minecraft Infinite Night Mini Hardcore (AriCore)

The Minecraft Infinite Night Mini Hardcore is the first mini season of AriCore. It follows eight players trying to survive as long as they can in an endless night. The cast consists of Erin, Ozzy, Winter, Danward, Aeyrro, Whisk, Vee, and Rory.

Episodes edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Ft. Danward, Whisk, Ayerro, Wesley, and Psycho Jun 25, 2018 [1]

Deaths edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Vee Sausage Biscuit with Egg (McDonald's) Psychodog64 1 Killed themselves by jumping off a tall wooden pillar. "Hard-core."
Erin Themself AriathWifeward 1 After getting heavily damaged by a Zombie, another Zombie came up from behind and finished them off. "Ow! Don't hit me! NO!"
Danward Walmart Yodeling Kid Danward_ 1 Blown up by a Creeper after failing to shield it. "Hey guys, What's goin' on? Joey Salads here. AHH!"
Rory Homer as Sans (The Simpsons/Undertale) RoryIsAThing 1 Killed himself via Creeper explosion. "It tastes like gaming, guys!"
Aeyrro Tortimer (Animal Crossing) Aeyrro 1 Killed by the same Creeper explosion that killed Rory. "Don't worry, man."
Winter Pyrocynical (YouTube) WesleyIsGayLmao 1 Attacked and killed by Whisk while fighting off a Skeleton. "I'm at one and a half! I'm at one and a half! Kill the Skeleton!"
Ozzy Dippy Fresh (Gravity Falls) ozzyntoby13 1 Shot by a Skeleton while trying to run away from Whisk. "I'm gonna die! No! AHH!"
Whisk The Milkman Whiskington 1 Attacked by several enemies while running and then finished off by a Skeleton. "Please scrap this. NO!"

Player Portraits edit