Minecraft Hardcore Season 1 (Ethereal)

Ethereal Minecraft HC #1 is the first official season of Ethereal, hosted, edited and uploaded by DarthAurora. The goal was to defeat the Pillager Raid. The cast consisted of Darth, SystematicFails, Greenpoison, SmartAlekParrot, and Elkiron.

Episodes Edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 Trailer Jun 28, 2021 [0]
1 GOOD BEGINNINGS! Jul 13, 2021 [1]
2 BOGOS BINTED? Jul 14, 2021 [2]
4 A MOST PECULIAR EVENT Jul 16, 2021 [4]
5 OUTPOST BATTLE! Jan 17, 2021 [5]
6 FINALE - THE RAID Jul 17, 2021 [6]

Deaths Edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Greenpoison The Incredible Hulk


_Greenpoison_ 4 While everyone was setting up for their second recording session, Greenpoison encountered a Creeper in a cave, which blew him up. "What's all the background noise? What's all the background noise coming from?"
Darth Darth Vader

(Star Wars)

DarthAurora_ 6 At the start of the Pillager Raid, Darth was taken by surprise by a Vindicator, who disabled his shield and promptly killed him. "No! No! Frick, I have two hearts! I have two hearts! Help! No-AAHHH!"
Elkiron Himself Elkiron15 6 Elkiron got cornered in a villager tower by a group of Illagers. He tried clearing the room, but was taken down by a Vindicator. "Get out of my house! Watcha doing in my swamp-NOOOO-!"
Systematic Edgar

(Brawl Stars)

SystematicFails 6 Systematic was fighting a Vindicator, who disabled his shield and rapidly dealt a second blow. Since he was already on low health, he died immediately. "Oh, there's the Johnny... HUHHH!"
Alek African Grey Parrot SmartAlekParrot 6 Alek was trying to hide from a Ravager in a villager hut, but stood too close to the door. The Ravager got a fatal hit on him. "Oh. Alright then."

Player Portraits Edit

Intro Quotes Edit

"I have enchanted your pants." -Darth

"When the raw copper is sus." -Systematic

"Let me reiterate: you're lousy." -Greenpoison

"Well that's good to know." -Elkiron

"No children in this pin, sorry." -Alek

"It's actually West Virginia." -Systematic

"There are three billion monsters." -Darth

"Nooo! Dude!" -Greenpoison

"Get out of my house!" -Elkiron

"Oh. Alright then." -Alek

Trivia Edit

  • There were a lot of audio balance issues with this season, especially with Darth's footage. This was due to being the first official HC the group recorded, and no testing had been done with OBS settings beforehand. These issues were mostly rectified in future seasons.
  • The circumstances of Greenpoison's death aren't fully clear from the actual episode, as he wasn't recording at the time. He revealed later (outside of this season) that when he saw the Creeper in the cave, he tried to use his shield, but his mouse stopped working just as the Creeper exploded, resulting in his death.