MineZ Hardcore Season 2 (PandaForceGaming)

MineZ #2 is the tenth season of PandaForceGaming's hardcore series. It is hosted and edited by JarOfJam, the portraits are done by JT and Doodeloo, who also made the season art. The cast consists of Jordan, The Demon Lord, Cameron, PJ, TubbyTotodile, Holly, Grace, Budder, Kasai, and Nate. The goal is to complete Mount Therum.

Episodes edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 (w/ Budderslapperrr, ShinyKasai, verdntscribe, & TubbyTotodile) Jun 4, 2021 [1]
2 WEIRD FANFICTION Jun 5, 2021 [2]
3 HOE MASTER Jun 6, 2021 [3]
4 HOT COUPLE Jun 11, 2021 [4]
5 THE CONFLICT Jun 12, 2021 [5]
6 ULTIMATE NAVIGATOR Jun 13, 2021 [6]
7 CHOCCY MILK Jun 18, 2021 [7]
8 INTRUDER ALERT Jun 19, 2021 [8]
9 THE WEDDING Jun 20, 2021 [9]
10 THE REUNION Jun 25, 2021 [10]
11 PULLING UP Jun 26, 2021 [11]
12 INSTANT DANGER Jun 27, 2021 [12]

Deaths edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Budder Masked Liam (OC) Budderslapperrr 8 Was killed by AuburnLeo at Evergreen Dam alongside Zach after getting low from a previous bow fight "Guys, help! Guys, guys!"
Zach Greenscreen Bob The_Demon_Lord 8 Was killed by AuburnLeo and Budder's Zombie at Evergreen Dam alongside Budder after getting low from a previous bow fight "Bye guys!"
Holly Mabel (Gravity Falls) doodeloo 8 Was killed by AuburnLeo shortly after they killed Budder and Zach "Fuck, here he comes again! I'm out. Fucking hell!"
Bobby Umbreon (Pokémon) TubbyTotodile 8 Was killed by AuburnLeo seconds after they killed Holly "Oh m-"
Jordan "Sonic the Hedgehog" JarOfJam 12 Was killed by cotoha and Jerseys alongside Grace after they ambushed the group at Fort Saward "Help, help, I'm gonna die!"
Grace ??? SoulBelloGal 12 Was killed by cotoha and Jerseys alongside Jordan after they ambushed the group at Fort Saward "Aw, I died."
Nate Jesus _koolcid_ 12 Was shot to death by Jerseys while he was trying to run away from Fort Saward "I'm gonna- I'm gonna di-"
PJ Chocolate-loving Grandma (Spongebob) PeeJayy 13 Was knocked off the second bridge by a horde of Zombies in Mount Therum and swam in lava "FUCK! That's it!"
Cameron Saturn TRUCK_TRUCK 13 Was swarmed by Zombies while rushing through the exit of the first room in Mount Therum "Run, run run run, run. Oh my- oh my JESUS! *laughter*"
Kasai Rapunzel (Tangled) Kasai_OwO 13 Was swarmed by Zombies immediately after Cameron "Nooo! NO!"

Intro Quotes edit

"The locals are so not friendly!" - Jordan

"We wiped the floor with them!" - Bobby

"Woohoo!" - Budder

"I'm not leading you somewhere strange!" - Kasai

"We need our general!" - Zach

"I do be in mental pain though!" - PJ

"So I don't know how you guys are walking." - Nate

"Guys, I'm so shiny!" - Holly

"Zach, do you want to give me a chance?" - Cameron

"My eyes are up here!" - Grace