MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (Armada)

Armada MineZ is the second full season of Armada HC. The cast consists of Skyfire, Wise, Kleppy, Amethyst, Orca, Fwog, Chuckle, and Tri. They are split into two teams, Team 1 spawning at Camp Bell, and Team 2 spawning at Carmi. Upon meeting up, the goal of the season is to beat Wizard Tower.

Episodes edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 This is MineZ May 15, 2021 [1]
2 Exploding Mics May 18, 2021 [2]
3 Reluctant Follower For Hire May 20, 2021 [3]
4 Deserts and Doggos May 22, 2021 [4]
5 This Episode was Late :) May 26, 2021 [5]
6 Wawaweewa Tower May 28, 2021 [6]

Deaths edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Orca Mystic Monster (Geometry Dash) OrcaHedral 3 Assassinated by infamous war criminal hiT_the_pAmPers for being against racism. "not very nice" (in chat)
Daggerlight Jschlatt (YouTube) Daggerlight 3 Acted friendly toward hiT_the_pAmPers and got murdered. "No! He's murderin- Ah! Ooh! Ooh! My asshole!"
Chuckle "Aight Who Shit Myself" Chucklenuts237 3 Snuck up on hiT_the_pAmPers after Dagger died, but still lost the fight. "Aw, he had splashes."
Fwog Greninja (Pokémon) fwogcarf22 6 Missed a jump at the Wizard's Tower parkour entrance. "Oh, cheese and crackers."
Wise Himself Wisey_Love 6 After Fwog's death, Wise misses a jump just a few seconds later. "Rip Frog, oh no I don't."
Kleppy Tiny Man Klepto_Kit 6 Cornered by Zombies while on half a heart. "Oh guys, I'm dead, I'm dead."
Tri Rick Astley TriforceDeLink 6 After getting low from a zombie, Tri's thirst level hits zero, and he dies of dehydration. "I'm gonna die of thirst! Yup!"
Amethyst JR Spiny55 6 Tried to kill some zombies at the bottom of the last Wizard's Tower parkour, but was overwhelmed by them. "I'm at one heart, bye bye."