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== Game Modifications Wording ==
When writing the section on Game Modifications, there should be a focus on how the player is effectedaffected. Take this for example<blockquote>
* '''Positional Audio:''' Each participant can only talk to and hear others in which they are close to.
</blockquote>Instead of talking about Mumble or Voice Chat Mod, it describes the parts important to the player and doesn't focus on stuff behind the scenes. Another good example here states what information is needed to understand the twist.<blockquote>
* '''Reduced Knowledge:''' Each participant is prohibited from viewing the chat or the server list. This limits knowledge of deaths and achievements to only what the person has experienced, seen or heard about.
</blockquote>For more specific modifications, you may want to break down the effects as seen here:<blockquote>
* '''Modified World Generation:''' The world now generates new biomes in both the overworldOverworld and netherNether, as well as new structures and blocks in both.
** '''"Biome Bundle" Modification:''' This modification adds over 400 new biomes with 2,000 new structures, adding a lot of variety to the feel of the world.
** '''"NetherEX" Modification:''' This modification add four new biomes to the nether along with new structures.
* '''Modified Creatures:''' Creatures become smarter and harder for the players to defeat.
** '''Camoflaged Creepers:''' Creepers now mimick the texture of the block they are standing on.
** '''Improved Intelligence:''' All creatures have improved intellligence and are now harder to kill. Zombies, Skeletons and Spiders may also have special abilities.
* '''Additonal Creatures:''' The netherNether is now full of new creatues including ones that are passive, neutral and hostile. There is also a new boss in the nether called the Ghast Queen.
** '''Ghast Queen Boss:''' The Ghast Queen is a boss in the nether spawned by [idk].
</blockquote>Here are some examples on how to write descriptions for other custom rules or commands:<blockquote>