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List of Game Modifications

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A Game Modification is a change to how the chosen game is played from it's vanilla version. Game Modifications may include (but are not limited to) modifications to the code of the game, rules set by the host, or a change from the default settings to change the experience of the game.

Minecraft Game Modifications[edit | edit source]

General Modifications[edit | edit source]

Positional Audio[edit | edit source]

"Each participant can only talk to and hear others in which they are close to."

Positional Audio is a basic modification that emulates real life voice proximity by only allowing each player to hear those they are within a certain proximity to. This is a popular modification to make, typically combined with Reduced Knowledge, to add extra suspense to a season.

This is often achieved with using Mumble's Positional Audio feature or with the Simple Voice Chat Mod.

First Use [Season] [Date]
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Methods Mumble Positional Audio; Simple Voice Chat

Reduced Knowledge[edit | edit source]

Each participant is prohibited from viewing the chat or the server list. This limits knowledge of deaths and achievements to only what the person has experienced, seen or heard about.

Reduced Knowledge is a basic game rule change that limits the player to only knowing about what they have personally experienced, seen or heard about because they are not allowed to see the chat or server player list. The chat and server player list can spoil who is dead or alive. This is often combined with Positional Audio.

This is achieved with turning off chat in the game settings (Options/Chat Settings/Chat: Hidden) as well as removing the ability to see the server's player list in the game settings (Options/Controls/Key Binds/List Players/escape key).

First Use [Season] [Date]
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Methods Player-Side Game Settings

Split Spawn Twist[edit | edit source]

Players start the game split into (#) groups of (#).

Split Spawn is a basic modification to the format of a season. This requires the players to find each other at somepoint, sometimes there is a goal each group must complete before meeting up.

"Ultra Hardcore" Twist[edit | edit source]

Players are unable to regenerate health without the use of regeneration items.

The "Ultra Hardcore" Twist is a basic game rule change which keep the player from regenerating health normally. The host may also take it further and ban healing items as well.

This is achieved by a server operator running the command /gamerule naturalRegeneration false.

First Use [Season] [Date]
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Methods Server Settings

Modified Creatures[edit | edit source]

Modified Creatures is an umbrella term for a number of modifications in which the game's creatures are changed in some way. This includes any modification where creatures have different abilities, weapons, health etc.

Improved Intelligence[edit | edit source]

Additional Creatures[edit | edit source]

Additional Creatures is an umbrella term for a number of modifications in which new creatures are added to the game. This includes any new passive, neutral, agressive or boss creatures.

Modified World Generation[edit | edit source]

Modified World Generation is an umbrella term for a number of modifications in which the world generation is changed in one way or another. This includes new biomes, new cave generation, new structures, etc.

Additional Dimensions[edit | edit source]

Additional Dimensions is an umbrella term for a number of modifications in which new dimensions are added to the game. Some examples being the Twilight Forest, the Aether and the Betweenlands.

"Twilight Forest" Dimension[edit | edit source]

"Aether" Dimension[edit | edit source]

"Betweenlands" Dimension[edit | edit source]

Additional Blocks & Items[edit | edit source]

Modified Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Additional Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Additional Events[edit | edit source]

Non-Participant Characters[edit | edit source]

Characters, who cannot win or lose the season, are able to interact with the players.

Non-Participant Characters are Characters played by people who may interact with the players in one way or another. These Characters cannot win or lose the season. This person may be assisting the players, acting as an obstacle or as a boss.

This is achieved by having a someone in the game interacting with the players.

First Use [Season] [Date]
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Methods Host Rules

Signature Modifications[edit | edit source]

"Revival Totem" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Colorcore" Twist[edit | edit source]

Each participant is made to wear a full set of unbreakable Leather Armor with the Curse of Binding enchantment. This gives the player only 7/20 armor points. Their Leather Armor is also one of ten assigned colors.

The "Colorcore" Twist is a game rule set where each player is limited to only wearing Leather Armor for the duration of the season. This increases the difficulty as the game progresses due to the players being unable to upgrade their defense at all.

This is achieved by using commands to generate Leather Armor that is Unbreakable with the Curse of Binding and making the players wear it.

First Use Cri's Colorcore! Dec 16, 2017
Number of Uses 1
Methods Command Generated Items

"No Armor" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Paranoia Health" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Heartcore" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Cursecore" Twist[edit | edit source]

Social Deception Modfications[edit | edit source]

"Molecore" Twist[edit | edit source]

One (or more) player(s) is/are tasked with killing the rest of the players.

The "Molecore" Twist is a twist in which one or more players are randonly assigned to be tasked with killing the rest of the players before they can complete their season goal. The player(s) chosen to kill the others are typically called the "mole" and the rest are typically called "innocents". The mole typically is advised to be undercover for as long as possible in order to sabotage the innocents. There are different variations of this twist but the most common variations have the "mole(s)" randomly assigned at the start of the season and are typically given extra items to aid them in their goal of killing the rest of the players. Some variations have the innitial "mole" choose another to join them as a "mole". This twist is inspired by the reality TV show, "The Mole".

First Use Wed Widing Core Minecraft Season 2 Jul 18, 2018
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Methods Host Rules

"Role" Twist[edit | edit source]

Each player is assigned a certain "role" each with its own goal.

The "Role" Twist is a twist in which there is a variety of roles each with a different objective. There have been many variations on this twist each with varying roles.

First Use Jack Xiao Long's Rolecore Minecraft 1 Feb 1, 2019
Subsequent Uses
Season Date
Jack Xiao Long's Rolecore Minecraft 2 Apr 18, 2020
Splitz's Vacation of Horror May 1, 2023
Toni's Gauntlet Hardcore Jun 23, 2023
Lightning's Minecraft: Kill Issue Oct 7th, 2023
Methods Host Rules, Command Generated Features
Role Overview
Jack Xiao Long's Rolecore Minecraft 1
Role Sub-Role Specialties Objective
Innocents Innocent N/A Kill the Ender Dragon
Spy Has Invisibility Potions & Books
Spiritualist Has Revival Totem (Can Revive One Dead Person) & Healing Potion
Mayor Has final say on what town does, Can write new rules
Traitors Traitor Has Spawn Eggs & Trap Equipment Kill all Innocents
Assassin Has Enchanted Bow & Invisibilty Potions Kill Everyone
Neutrals Lone Survivor Invisibility Potions & Can choose when to talk to and be heard by others
Survivor Can team with anyone Survive
Executioner N/A Kill the Survivor
Jack Xiao Long's Rolecore Minecraft 2
Role Sub-Role Specialties Objective
Innocents Enchanter Has Basic Enchanting Items Kill the Ender Dragon
Spy Has Invisibility Potions & Books
Bishop Can call everyone to have one Execution Trial
Medium Recieves messages from the dead
Baker Has Bread
Jesus Is Revived 3 days after first death (if the death was to a player and if the killer is forgiven)
Traitors Assassin Has One-Hit Kill Sword Kill all Innocents
Trapper Has Spawn Eggs & Trap Equipment, Can hear more than others
Slasher N/A Kill all Innocents including killing someone in the Mansion
Neutral Survivor Can team with anyone Survive
Executioner N/A Kill the Survivor
Splitz's Vacation of Horror
Role Specialties Objective
Commoner Given to three players. Cannot team with other Commoners or the Cold. Be the last commoner standing, then kill the Ender Dragon.
Mediator If you die, all roles are void and the hardcore becomes a Free-For-All until one player remains. Kill the Ender Dragon.
Whisperer You can see death messages, and this role isn't void when the Mediator dies. Kill the Mediator, survive the Free-For-All and defeat the Ender Dragon with the sole victor.
Menace You know the roles of ALL players. Kill the Ender Dragon.
Negotiator Can team up with another role, sharing sub-goals with them. Can jump ship at any time. Team up with another role, complete their sub-goal and defeat the Dragon.
Partner In Crime Given to two players who know each-other. If one dies, the other gets -6 max hearts. Get two player kills between Partners, then kill the Ender Dragon.
Hitman You start knowing a target (they get a heads-up). If the Paranoid issues you a hit, you cannot decline. Ensure your target's death (as well as complete any Paranoid's hit), then defeat the Dragon.
Paranoid You must issue the Hitman a hit on another player. They cannot decline. Locate the Hitman, issue a hit on another player, then defeat the Dragon.
Cold You work with nobody. Summon the Wither Storm to automatically win.
Toni's Gauntlet Hardcore
Role Specialties Objective
Lightning's Minecraft: Kill Issue
Role Objective
Alchemist Kill a player while having at least 3 active potion effects from potions. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Assassin Ensure the death of the specified player. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Avenger Kill a player who has gotten a kill within the same in-game day. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Bodyguard Ensure that your specified target stays alive. If they die, you become armorless and get a new target. If that second target dies, you will suffer heavy debuffs and become a Bystander. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Fortress Guard Ensure the death of the first player to enter the Nether Fortress. If you are the first, you must instead kill a player of your choosing while inside the Fortress. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Freelancer Upon picking up a dead player's role contract, the Freelancer becomes that role. They cannot win otherwise. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Hitman Kill a player from a list of five random players. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Multiversal Murderer Kill a player of your choosing in the Overworld, and kill a player of your choosing in the Nether. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Poacher Ensure the death of the player with the specified role. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Pyromaniac Kill a player of your choosing using fire or lava in some way. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Serial Killer Ensure the deaths of all other players.
Shadow Killer Kill two players of your choosing while it is night-time. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Sniper Kill a player of your choosing using a bow and arrow. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Stalker Kill two players of your choosing while within 25 blocks of the base. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Trapper Ensure that at least one player dies in a trap you set. The kill will not count if you attack them beforehand. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Bystander Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Introvert Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither without revealing to anyone that you are the Introvert.
Punlic Executioner Kill a player of your choosing while in the presence of at least 3 other people. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.
Shikari Killer Kill any three players of your choosing. Then, Kill the Ender Dragon and Wither.

"Secret Rivals" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Majority Vote" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Foul Play" Twist[edit | edit source]

"Phobia" Twist[edit | edit source]

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