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"I let the turtles breed!" - Kat (Architects Hardcore #1)[edit | edit source]

Kat is a regular in Architects Hardcore.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words Place
Architects Hardcore Minecraft #1 Kris


Devious_Kat 5 Surprised by a Creeper in a pond and failed to shield the blast. "Oh shit, oh shit!" 8th/8
Architects Hardcore Island Adventure HC Heavy (Team Fortress 2) Devious_Kat 9 Was killed by a single Guardian in the Ocean Monument. "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die." 2nd/8
Architects Hardcore Minecraft Improved Mobs Peridot (Steven Universe) KatAster 9 Was killed by a Zombified Piglin in the Nether Fortress after Nolan knocked it into her N/A 6th/10
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