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{{Season_Infobox_HARDCORE|image1 = Sonicraft'sHardcoreNewLogo.png|date_start = April 12th, 2019
(April 22nd, 2019)|playlist = [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGdWt2WIX8OUTXTKjZmJDcd5N46sIXshW&advanced_settings=1&disable_polymer=1 Sonicraft'sHardcore: FullPhase HC Playlist!1]}}
[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGdWt2WIX8OU0PPpXNuZnp038gA44wwKN Hardcore: Phase 2]}}
Sonicraft's Hardcore is a hardcore series hosted by [[Sonicraft118]]. Along with Sonic, the regulars are [[Don]], [[Kool|Phen]], and [[Mariojaymen1|Mario]], with [[Moose254|Moose]], [[Ruehl]], and [[Neonboy04|Neon]] being former regulars. Sonic also does all the editing and portraits for the series.
SonicraftSonicraft118's Hardcore is a hardcore series hosted by [[Sonicraft118]]. Along with Sonic, the regulars are [[Don]], [[Kool|Phen]], and [[Mariojaymen1|Mario]], with [[Moose254|Moose]], [[Ruehl]], and [[Neonboy04|Neon]] being former regulars. Sonic also does all the editing and portraits for the series.
Phase 1 of the series ran from April 12th, 2019 to November 18th, 2020. After a small break, the series began Phase 2 in February 8th, 2021 and is still running.