Hayden (Cuckcore): Difference between revisions

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(14 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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Hayden Danger V2.png|THP Danger V1-2
Hayden Disappointed.png|THP Disappointed
Hayden Pissed.png|THP Pissed V1-2
Hayden Skeptical.png|THP Skeptical V1-2
Hayden Through the Fire and Flames V2.png|THP TTFaF V1-2
Hayden Dead V2.png|THP Dead V1-2
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MemeCuckcoreV3.PNG|Cuckcore/Delicious HC Alive
Memedead.PNG|Cuckcore/Delicious HC Dead
Hayden Alive (THC).png|Toni HC Alive
HAYDENALIVE.png|QuavionCore Alive
HAYDENMOLE.png|QuavionCore Mole
HAYDENDEAD.png|QuavionCore Dead
HaydenAliveNC.png|Nectar HC Alive
HaydenDangerNC.png|Nectar HC Danger
HaydenDeadNC.png|Nectar HC Dead
MemeLHCDanger.PNG|LHC Danger
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Hayden Dead Frozocore.png|Frozocore Dead
|twitter=[https://twitter.com/bruhhaydennn bruhhaydennn]|caption1=hi khana}}Hawp is the host of [[Cuckcore (Series)|CuckCore]], allegedly in [[QuavionCore]], a regular in [[Frozocore]] and [[Hardcore Man]], a guest in — and former portrait artist for — [[Lucca's HC]] and [[Delicious Hardcore|Delicious HC]] (as well as a guest narrator for the latter), and a guest in [[Tonio (Hardcore Series)|Toni's HC]], [[Nectar (Series)|Nectar's HC]], and [[Duocore|DuoCore]]. He is a member of and the portrait artist for [[Top Hardcore Players (Group)|Top Hardcore Players]], as well as a guestregular in its [[Top Hardcore Players|series]]. In addition, he is a former portrait artist of [[Bradycore]] and [[Team Scallop]]. The main villain of the HC community.
== Hardcore [[Statistics]] ==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="overflow-x:scroll; width:700px; text-align: center; font-size:80%; line-height:20px;"
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|[[Motherforkers Hardcore Season 1 (Cuckcore)|Motherforkers]]
|Chozo (Metroid) [Team 1]
Demon Monkey (Temple Run) [Team 2]
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|[[Nectar (Series)|Nectar]]
|[[Terminal Cliffs Hardcore Season 1 (Nectar)|Terminal Cliffs]]
|Crane Fly ''([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P1VoFOKGgQ Bugs and Nugs: Getting high with a crane fly.])''
|Died of '''fall damage''' upon discovering a ''pretty cool trap''
|"Okay, that's a pretty cool trap they have there."