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"Of course the fat one is hoarding all the food..." - Cuub (Team Scallop MineZ)[edit | edit source]

Cuub is a main and editor of Team Scallop and a guest in Astra Hardcore, Bradycore, Hammy Show, NCICORE, Amber K.'s Hardcore series, JamPack, One Life, Horizon, DuoCore, and Rolecore, a former regular in CragCore, a member of NCIC, and a mod on the Hardcore Community Discord Server.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words Place
Team Scallop Minecraft #1 Mia Khalifa Jacuub 2 Lagged and was killed by a Spider. "I'm lagging... I'm lagging!" 8th/8
Team Scallop MineZ #1 Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) Jacuub 3 Ran out of sprint and got killed by Baby Zombies. "I'm out of sprint, I'm out of sprint, I'm out of sprint." 8th/8
Team Scallop Terraria Calamity BlastphemousHD BlashmephousCuub *15 Jumped off a rope and collapsed onto the ground after winning. "WOOHOOO! YAHAAAA!! WOO! There we go." *1st/10
Amber Minecraft Betweenlands #1 Franky (One Piece) Jacuub 9 Killed by a Wight possessing them while slowed down by mud. "I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm fucked." 2nd/7
One Life Minecraft #2 Mysterio (Marvel Comics) Jacuub 14 Cuub attempted to aggro a Wither Skeleton, but didn't see another Wither Skeleton behind themselves. They were then hit by both Skeletons, dying to the Wither effect shortly afterward. "I'm dead! I'm gonna wither away, I'm gonna wither away!" 3rd/8
Team Scallop Minecraft #2 Pennywise (IT 2017) Jacuub 4 Accidentally hit a Zombie Pigman and was knocked into a pit of enemies by a Baby Pigman and finished off by a Zombie Pigman. "Oh! Oh, oh!" 8th/8
JamPack JamPack Vol. 1 Scrappy Doo Cuubster 10 Almost jumped into a ravine accidentally, only to be knocked into it, taking fall damage as a result. "*gasp*" 4th/8
Team Scallop The Citadel of Doom Human Spider (Spider-Man) Jacuub 13 Was knocked off a ledge by a Vex and fell into lava, where they couldn't escape. "I'm not fine, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead." 3rd/8
Team Scallop MineZ #2 Tetrominoes given life (Tetris) Cuubster 6 Failed a jump and drowned to death. "I think I finally understand why they call this 'Sunken Mire'." 2nd/8
Team Scallop Mutated Olivia (Paper Mario: The Origami King) Cuubster 2 Shot by a Mutant Skeleton while trying to block their arrows. "Oh god! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" 10th/10
NCICORE Very Big Core The Mandalorian Jacuub 6 Was instantly killed by fire along with Funky that prevents you from cheesing out the wave room in Krubera Vault "What the fuck!?" 29th/30
Team Scallop Foul Play Maya Fey

(Ace Attourney)

Cuubster 5 Fell off a tree after being attacked by Hoglins. "Are you kidding me?" 9th/9
Rolecore Burnout Fantasy Polka-Dot Man (DC Comics) Cuubster 10 Shot by a Skeleton, brought down to half a heart by a Piglin with an Enchanted Diamond Sword, and was shot by the same Skeleton. "I'm gonna die!" 5th/14
Hammy Broken Realm Golf Toad (Mario Golf) Cuubster 5 Slipped on a conveniently placed banana peel off a ledge into lava, failing to escape. "OH MY GOODNESS! Two birds on a wire... two birds on a wire... my resistance is going to wear off very soon. Oh god, I'm trying to make it, I did not make it. 6th/10
Astra Hardcore Phobia Purple Fuzzy Peepy (Item Label) Cuubster 8 Chased by an enderpearling Foxhound before burning to death. "Ooh, I'm toast... I'm toast!" 9th/14
Team Scallop Shizam Jams: Thorium Blues N/A ??? ??? ??? ??? ???/10

*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

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