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Cancelled Skyfactory Hardcore (Bravecore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Skyfactory Hardcore #1 is the first Scrapped season of BraveCore. The cast consists of Brendon, Aubrey, Rage, Xavier Fournier, Artboi, Donald and Emerald, who are on a quest to defeat the Ender Dragon.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 The Triforce Of Congrants May 26, 2021 [1]
2 Leafy June 2, 2021 [2]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Artboi Himself but Dream Artboi2020 1 While joking around, BB broke the floor underneath Artboi and he was killed by the void. "Hey, what's up guys? NO! I-I'm dead!"
Aubrey Daddy Dearest (Friday Night Funkin') BreadFace9112 3 Fell into the void. "NO!"
Emerald Steve (Minecraft) Emerald SUffers 6 Was killed by a Zombie while lagging out. "Oh...!"
Xavier Scribbles BoxedYouXD 8 Was blown up by a Creeper on a one block bridge. "AAGH!"
Aubrey (again) Daddy Dearest (Friday Night Funkin') BreadFace9112 10 Burned to death while the island was on fire. "I'm dead."
Rage Duck Rage7070 11 Was killed by the Ender Dragon while stuck in water. "NO!!!"
Brendon TNT man BBraveYt 11 Was killed by the Ender Dragon's breath. "Aw, I'm dead."
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