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Bridges Hardcore Mini (BradyTVB)

From Hardcore Wiki

Bridges is the third mini season of BradyTVB's HC series, the first round consists of Brady, Ariath, NodOff, Joe, Nick, Kryptyk, and Zartle, whereas Round 2 doesn't have Erin and Nod0ff and instead has Omegers and Halcyon. As for Round 3, Mongolian takes the place of Nick. Round 4 features Matt, Matthagoras, Cuub, Ethan, and JR alongside Brady and Joe.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Finna Woke! Mar 2, 2018 [1]
2 It's Back! Apr 21, 2018 [2]
3 ft: Unicorns4ever14!! May 13, 2018 [3]
4 SILVERDUCK SUCKS!! Sep 14, 2019 [4]

Round 1 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Ariath Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) AriathWife Killed by Twutle trying to fight him off. "No-"
Kryptyk Counter Terrorsit (CS:GO) Kryptyk Brought low by water and finished off by Twutle. "I have half a heart, I have half a heart! AHHHH!!!"
OverHill Tall Tapper (Rhythm Heaven) TheDreamLivesOn Brought low by water and finished off by Twutle. "Bit too late for that! It's too late! IT'S TOO LATE!!!"
Nick The letter 'h' InvaderNiick Killed by Steph1216. "Nooo."
Brady Lemmy Koopa (Super Mario) BradyTVB Won the round. N/A
Joe Isopod real_isopod Won the round. N/A
Zartle Potato Zartle Won the round. N/A

Round 2 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Nick Squidward with a moustache (Spongebob Squarepants) InvaderNiick Had to go so he jumped in water and died. "I have died."
Joe A cow neptunin Killed by 13IIII off-screen. "I died."
Brady Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine) BradyKeithlol Attacked and killed by 13IIII. "Oh god, I'm dead!"
Omegers Cheese (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) Omegers Killed by memeflix while trying to run away. "Oh I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Oh, ow, I'm so fucked- oack!"
Kryptyk Fortnite Guy Kryptick Brought low by water and then shot by consify. "AAAAAOOO!!!"
Halcyon Herself s1nk Chased and killed by memeflix. "I'm at one and a half, I'm at one and a half. NO!"
Zartle A Minion (Despicable Me) Zartle Comboed and killed by memeflix and consify. "APPLE TIME! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

Round 3 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Joe A cow neptunin Fell down a hole made by Mongolian and into the void. "NOHOHOHO!"
Halcyon Herself s1nk Killed off-screen by _noely. "Oh, it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done!"
Brady Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine) BradyKeithlol Killed by _noely while trying to run away. "I'm gonna die!"
Omegers Cheese (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) Omegers Overwhelmed by foes and killed by Stormbringer___. "Augh! Augh! Hamoodi Habib!"
Kryptyk Fortnite Guy Kryptick Fell into the void and died when Mongolian broke the blocks out from under him. "Yeah, that's like the only battle we can really take."
Mongolian A furry MongolianDethWrm Killed himself by jumping of a floating island and into the void. "I'm fucking done. Fuck this."
Zartle A Minion (Despicable Me) Zartle In an attempt to fight the blue team, he got killed by _noely. "Haahaahgh! Aah! Aah!"

Round 4 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Cuub ??? Jacuub Knocked off the bridge by Nhan02 and finished off by the water. "Jimmyju, run!"
Ethan, ??? EthanComma Fell to his death after using a Berserker Leap. "Enchanted! BUDDER, BUDDER, BUDDE-"
Matt Super Mario wiidog Knocked off the bridge by LightNights and killed instantly by the water. "WAAAAAAAUGH!"
Brady ??? WatchBradycore Killed by Therealtoombsb. "I'M DEAD!"
Joe ??? TriforceHero46 Jumped off a dirt pillar and fell to his death. "I can't help bro, i'm gonna- shit, i'm at half a heart. Bruh."
JR ??? ImJustJR Killed by Botified after being brought to low health by the water. "Eh, eh- NO!"
Matthagoras ??? Matthagoras Killed by Nhan02. "Oh, it's over."

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is the first HC to change the cast and the skins in the same season.
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