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Br4mm3n is a main in PietSmiet's Hardcores.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words (Translated) Place
PietSmiet Minecraft #1 A Caveman with sunglasses Br4mm3n 11 Was attacked by a Zombie Pigman out of nowhere. "LOL! The Pig-people are attacking me! I only have half a-. I'm dead." 2nd/2
PietSmiet Minecraft #2 A Caveman with sunglasses Br4mm3n 10 Got low on health by being shot by a Ghast and died by burning due to an invisible Fire glitch. "I simply die.." 2nd/3
PietSmiet Minecraft #3 A Caveman with sunglasses Br4mm3n 26 Looked at an Enderman while on the phone and couldn't defend himself correctly. *muted* 4th/4
PietSmiet Terraria #4 N/A Br4mm3n 11 Got knocked into a hole by a Cave Bat and died of fall damage. "LOL!" 2nd/6
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