BlueLego: Difference between revisions

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Line 42:
legopixelupdanger.png|Pixelup HC Danger
legopixelupdead.png|Pixelup HC Dead
legotiahc.png|This Is A Hardcore Alive
legodeadtiahc.png|This Is A Hardcore Dead
BlueLego_Alive.png|Halcore Alive
BlueLego_Dead.png|Halcore Dead
Line 179 ⟶ 181:
|[[This Is A Hardcore]]
|[[From Ashes Reborn Hardcore Season 1 (This is a hardcore)|From Ashes: Reborn]]
|Red Crewmate (''Among Us'')
|WhileBecause athe had to go soon, he purposefully didn't heal while low healthon heath, Funckyeventually hitdying to a '''Zombie''' hit up ato ledgehim andby into''[[MC himFuncky|Funcky]]''.