Blocking Dead Hardcore Mini (HardcorePro50)

Minecraft Blocking Dead Hardcore is a Mini Hardcore for HardcorePro50 Hardcore hosted and edited by HardcorePro50. The cast consists of HardcorePro50, JuicySparkAnimates, and DFalken, surviving until the Helicopter comes.

Episodes Edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Featuring DFalken Sep 31, 2019 [1] </nowiki> [reuploadhere]

Deaths Edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
JuicySparkAnimates Himself JuicySparkGaming 1 Got knocked back repeatedly into a corner of a chruch exit and died to a Zombie "I'm dead, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!"
HardcorePro50 Arle Nadja (Madou Monogatari/Puyo Puyo) hardcoreoflght12 1 Tries to runs out of the Lunchroom and tries to use a health pack but gets killed by a Zombie. "I'm dead, I'm dead."
DFalken U.S. Union Soldier (U.S. Civil War) Falkhr 1 Gets out of Lunchroom but then gets Immediately Swarmed by Zombies before getting finish off by m3tk's Zombie. "Oh my God, Oh my God, ACK!"

Player Portraits Edit

Player Skins Edit

Intro Quotes Edit

"I got a riot helmet." -JuicySparkAnimates

"Hypixel High, Huh." -DFalken

"Oh no Zombies." -Hardcorepro50

Trivia Edit

  • DFalken did not have a portrait.
  • There was barely anyone with free time on the day of recording. Jacob22 was dropped last second because he didn't know how Hypixel worked.
  • This was originally going to be in two parts but HardcorePro50 scrapped the idea after the "first" video was uploaded.
  • The production took six days, and originally JuicySparkAnimates was going to edit.
  • The Original Video has been deleted.